Do you know the basics of Airbnb cameras?

As an Airbnb host, you understand the importance of providing a safe and secure environment for your guests. Did you know that one of the smartest investments you can make is in Airbnb exterior cameras? It’s not just about protecting your property; it’s about providing that extra layer of reassurance for your guests and gaining invaluable peace of mind.

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Why You May Want to Consider Exterior Cameras at your Airbnb

Airbnb exterior cameras are becoming increasingly common for a reason. They offer a multitude of benefits for hosts and can significantly enhance your hosting experience.

Increased Security for Your Property

Think of Airbnb exterior cameras as your virtual eyes and ears, constantly monitoring your property for any suspicious activity. They can deter potential burglars, vandals, or anyone looking to take advantage of an unoccupied property. And if the unfortunate does happen, you have video evidence to provide to the authorities.

Enhanced Guest Safety

While we all hope for the best, accidents can occur on your property. Whether it’s a slip and fall or an issue with a delivery, Airbnb exterior cameras can help determine liability and ensure the safety of everyone involved. This can be incredibly helpful for insurance claims as well.

Guest security should always be top of mind. We use several tools to make sure our properties are safe and secure. Check out our post on our favorite smart locks: The Best Airbnb Locks for Hosts

Resolve Disputes Effectively

We all know guest issues can occur. From noise complaints to property damage claims, Airbnb exterior cameras provide objective evidence to resolve disputes fairly. This helps protect you from potential false claims or misunderstandings.

Airbnb’s Stance on Exterior Cameras

While encouraging the use of exterior cameras for security, Airbnb has strict guidelines on placement and disclosure. Transparency is key: Airbnb requires hosts to disclose the presence and location of all exterior security cameras in their listing descriptions.

Be upfront with your guests about the cameras and what they record. Respect guest privacy: never install cameras inside your Airbnb property, including private spaces like bedrooms and bathrooms. This is a major invasion of privacy and strictly against Airbnb’s policy.

Point cameras towards common areas like entrances, driveways, and backyards, focusing on areas related to security rather than leisure. For outdoor showers or guest houses, ensure cameras are not pointing towards these private spaces.

We covered Airbnb’s indoor camera policy in a podcast episode, available here: Hosting Hotline: Details on Airbnb’s New Indoor Camera Policy – Starting TODAY (Episode 354)

Selecting the Right Airbnb Exterior Camera

Not all Airbnb exterior cameras are made equal. Several key features will affect their effectiveness, ease of use and cost. When choosing Airbnb exterior cameras for your rental property, prioritize cameras with night vision, motion detection, and clear video quality for better security and monitoring.

Here’s a quick breakdown:


Aim for cameras with at least 1080p resolution to capture clear images and videos.

Field of View

Choose cameras with a wide field of view to cover more ground and minimize blind spots. You can even use multiple cameras to monitor different exterior areas.

Night Vision

This feature is crucial for monitoring your property after dark and deterring potential criminal activity. Consider cameras with noise decibel monitors to assess sound levels and address any potential noise complaints.

Storage Options

Determine if you need local storage on an SD card or prefer cloud storage that offers remote access to your footage. Cloud storage can provide a backup in case your camera is damaged or stolen.

Weather Resistance

Ensure your cameras can withstand the elements, especially if your rental is located in an area with harsh weather conditions. Look for cameras with an IP65 or higher rating for dust and water resistance.

Two-Way Audio

This helpful feature allows you to communicate with guests or anyone on your property remotely. It can be helpful for greeting guests, providing instructions, or addressing any concerns.

Using Your Cameras Responsibly

While cameras are fantastic tools for security and peace of mind, always operate them ethically and responsibly.

Check with your insurance company. Just like disclosing camera usage to your guests is important, transparency with your insurance company is crucial. Some providers may offer discounts for security cameras or have specific requirements for their use.

Having Airbnb exterior cameras shouldn’t make you overly anxious, continuously monitoring them. Trust that they’re doing their job in the background, providing that security blanket for you and your guests. Only review the footage when there’s a genuine concern or an incident requiring investigation.

Remember, your goal is to create a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. By being upfront about your camera usage, respecting guest privacy, and using your cameras responsibly, you can foster a trustworthy and secure environment. Consider offering discounts for longer stays to add value to your listings and demonstrate your commitment to guest well-being.

Airbnb Safety Resource: Check out our favorite guest safety tools right here in our Amazon shop!

Airbnb Exterior Camera Guide

Investing in Airbnb exterior cameras is a smart decision for any host looking to elevate their business, providing tangible benefits in security, guest safety, and peace of mind. With clear communication, responsible use, and a focus on transparency, you can harness the power of Airbnb exterior cameras to create a win-win environment for both you and your valued guests.

Have an Airbnb question you need answer? Ask us! Call the Hosting Hotline to have your question answered by us on the podcast!

Calling All Airbnb Hosts: The Hosting Handbook

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TFV Trusted Airbnb Tool: Breezeway

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