How to Be a Successful Airbnb Property Manager in 2024

What Does an Airbnb Property Manager Do?

Your Airbnb property manager is your “boots on the ground” person. This person will be communicating with the guests and dealing with the day-to-day tasks such as stocking supplies, scheduling maintenance, and resolving any problems that arise. This person should know your property in and out, be a clear communicator, and be ready to tackle anything. 

A multi-apartment short-term rental building.

What are the Day-to-Day Responsibilities of an Airbnb Property Manager?

So how does a day in the life of an Airbnb property manager look? 

Mornings start with opening the Airbnb app and replying to any unread messages. The next task is looking at the schedule and seeing what guests are checking in for the day. Depending on the size of your short-term rental property portfolio, you may have just one check-in or maybe 10! 

Now it’s time to do what you need to do to make sure the properties are guest-ready. Check in with your cleaning team to make sure they have everything they need for the day. 

If you have guests checking out that morning, you’ll want to make sure you go to the property and make sure there aren’t any damages or surprises when you walk in the door. While it doesn’t happen often, it’s impossible to avoid all the bad apples. If there are any problems or damages, you have 24 hours to report back to Airbnb. You’ll also want to be sure to give them an accurate review. 

If any issues arise throughout the day, be ready to problem-solve. Houses and condos that are used for Airbnb are still houses and condos at the end of the day. Sometimes there are leaks, or something breaks and needs replaced. The goal is to resolve these problems in between turnovers, so the guest doesn’t even notice. It’s also your job to communicate any major repairs or issues to the owners. You are caring for their property, so everything will need to be approved.

For the Airbnbs we manage, we do a final inspection before the guest arrives. That means we as property managers make sure everything is staged perfectly, no hairs or lint were left on the beds, supplies are double-checked, and smoke detectors are working!

Throughout the day, you’re also on the Airbnb app. Property management is a 24/7 gig, so you may have inquiries, booking requests, and other questions throughout the day and into the evening.

What are the Top Airbnb Property Management Challenges?

Airbnb Property Manager Challenge #1

Shopping for Supplies is Taking WAY Too Long

If you find yourself constantly at the local grocery store picking up paper towels one trip, running out of toilet paper the next, only to realize the next day you need more light bulbs, you’re spending way too much time shopping for supplies. Even online ordering eats up your time if you’re doing it enough. That’s why we recommend shopping quarterly. Every couple of months, go through EVERYTHING – light bulbs, batteries, coffee, soap, paper products, cleaning products, etc. Then buy in bulk and get enough to last you the whole quarter.

Yeah, sometimes a trip to the store here and there is inevitable, but buying in bulk will not only save you time, but save you MONEY!!

Airbnb Property Manager Challenge #2

You’re Doing the Same Guest Tasks Over and Over Again

A lot of the tasks that Airbnb property managers do are repetitive. Whether it’s answering the same questions or sending check-in and check-out instructions, just communicating with guests can feel like a full-time job. You can quickly get stuck in the day-to-day instead of growing your business. One solution is automating the messages you send to every single guest, like check-in and check-out instructions. There is also a feature to store “canned responses.” So if another guest asks you about your pet fees, you select your canned response instead of typing it all out again. This will save you time AND ensure you don’t forget to send any critical information. 

You can also use a digital guidebook. This will be your guests’ one-stop shop for all the info they need, including parking, accessing the home, WiFi, best local spots, and anything they need to know during their stay. Trust me, they will thank you later!

Airbnb Property Manager Challenge #3

You’re Trying to Do It All by Yourself

Airbnb property management is a tough job and a job where you’re wearing an insane amount of hats. But there’s no way you are an expert in all of those hats, and that overwhelmed and struggling feeling can leave you feeling burned out.

Don’t be afraid to hire help in those areas where you’re struggling! Maybe money management makes you want to pull your hair out. Hire an accountant! Are you clueless when it comes to marketing your Airbnb? Hire someone to help! Maybe you’re great at marketing and less excited about guest communications? Hire a virtual assistant!

Remember: Asking for help is not a sign of failure. It’s a sign of GROWTH! 

Airbnb Property Manager Challenge #4

You Can’t Figure Out Optimal Pricing

Rental prices change depending on the season, different events happening in your area, your location, and unpredictable things like a global pandemic.

Navigating where your nightly and monthly rates should be is difficult because you always have to look ahead, but you can’t guarantee how the future will look. We suggest using a dynamic pricing tool to help you figure out optimal pricing for your property. A good one is PriceLabs! You can set your minimum price and it will take care of the rest!

Essential Airbnb Property Management Tips 

If we can offer a few tips to make your life as an Airbnb property manager just a little bit easier, they’d be:

  • Hire a professional cleaning service that is dedicated to your Airbnbs. A clean Airbnb should be a priority, so leave it to the professionals!
  • Stay guest-focused! Always be thinking about what your guests will need and how to make their stay great. This will be reflected in reviews and help your small business grow overall!
  • FORM A COMPANY! If you manage more than one Airbnb, forming a company can have some serious advantages. Limited liability corporations can not only offer you protection from lawsuits but also provide some serious tax advantages.
  • Get a mentor and continue to educate yourself! Especially if you are just starting out or looking for a way to level up your small business, find someone who knows more than you. Ask them questions and watch how they work. The world of property management is constantly changing, so you want to make sure you’re keeping up. You can never learn too much!

What to Look for When Hiring an Airbnb Property Manager

If you’re looking to hire an Airbnb property manager, it’s a big decision. But what do you look for when whoever does the job has to wear many hats? Their day-to-day responsibilities may be different depending on the size of your portfolio and if you have any other team members. Overall, look for someone you feel you can trust, an excellent communicator, and someone who isn’t afraid to jump in and solve a problem!

Let Us Help!

Have we left you wanting to learn more? Well, we have plenty of knowledge and experience to go around. Check out our Thanks for Visiting podcast, where we have hundreds of episodes covering ALL THINGS Airbnb, hosting, and property management!

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