The Ultimate Guide to Hiring an Airbnb Cleaner

Wondering How To Create An Effective Airbnb Cleaning Team?

Running a successful Airbnb business takes work. Between managing bookings, handling guest inquiries, and making sure your property is in tip-top shape, it’s a lot to juggle. One task you don’t have to handle solo is cleaning. Hiring an Airbnb cleaner can be a game-changer for your business, freeing up your time and giving you peace of mind. Cleaners are an essential member of your Airbnb team.

Table Of Contents:

Why Hire an Airbnb Cleaner?

As tempting as it can be to handle cleaning yourself, especially when you’re first starting out as a host, remember that time is money. As your bookings increase, spending hours cleaning might not be the best use of your resources. You can invest that time in tasks that truly need your personal touch, like crafting your listing descriptions, managing your finances, or planning renovations, all while your Airbnb cleaner handles the property management.

But the benefits go beyond just freeing up your schedule. A reliable Airbnb cleaning service ensures consistent quality, something your guests will appreciate with glowing reviews. Hiring the right Airbnb cleaning team is a big decision and it takes some trial and error. It’s important that your Airbnb cleaning team is meeting your cleaning standards to ensure a clean and safe environment for all guests.

7 Steps to Hiring an Airbnb Cleaning Service You Can Trust

Finding an Airbnb cleaner you can depend on requires a thoughtful approach. But we’ve developed a system that has worked time and time again. This isn’t just about handing over a set of keys—it’s about building a lasting partnership that makes your Airbnb shine. Follow these 7 essential steps for success.

1. Set the Standard: Clean Like a Pro

Before you even think about handing the reins to someone else, you need to know your property inside and out. Clean it yourself for a few turnovers, paying close attention to what each room requires to have that sparkling clean feel. Consider the time commitment. Is it a quick hour to reset, or will laundry and deep cleaning take longer?

This understanding will be invaluable when explaining your expectations to potential cleaners, allowing for clear communication and accurate time estimates.

2. Document Your Process: Room by Room

This is where many hosts falter. Simply saying “clean the bathroom” isn’t enough. Remember that peanut butter and jelly sandwich analogy from school? You have to be specific with every detail.

Walk through each room and write down every step of the cleaning process, as if you were instructing someone with zero experience. What gets cleaned first? What products do you use? This level of detail will be your gold standard for consistency, making training and verification much smoother.

This is where one of our favorite hosting tools comes into play. We use Breezeway to make sure all tasks are completed and checked at each of our properties. And, you can add your housekeeping team right into Breezeway!

3. Create Your Essential Airbnb Cleaning Checklist

Transform your detailed cleaning process into an easy-to-follow checklist, broken down by room or area. Include all those specific instructions and double-check that you haven’t missed a single detail. This checklist will become the backbone of your cleaning operation.

Whether you laminate it for durability or use a digital version through an app (more on that later), your cleaner can refer to it throughout the cleaning process, ensuring no crucial tasks get overlooked during those tight turnaround times.

We LOVE a good checklist! We have a FREE Airbnb Essentials Checklist available for you right here!

4. Stock a Well-Stocked Airbnb Cleaning Kit

Make your cleaners’ lives (and yours.) much easier by having all necessary supplies organized and readily available. This includes everything from all-purpose cleaners and microfiber cloths to toilet bowl cleaner and trash bags.

Go a step further by organizing supplies in a logical, easy-to-navigate way—maybe by room or by product type. It’s a simple but surprisingly effective touch that screams professionalism. Plus, providing all the cleaning materials and supplies eliminates confusion and ensures the right products are used on the right surfaces.

You can find a curated list of our cleaning supply must haves right here in our Amazon Store.

5. Find a Reliable Airbnb Cleaner Near You

You know your cleaning system; now it’s time to find the perfect cleaning company to implement it. This might be the most daunting part for new hosts, but it doesn’t have to be. The good news is that there are tons of avenues to explore to find great cleaners.

Where To Find Great Cleaners:

  • Start within your existing network. Ask for recommendations from friends, family, or even other Airbnb hosts who are consistently receiving praise for the cleanliness of their properties.
  • Leverage social media to cast a wider net. A simple post on your profiles asking for recommendations can go a long way.
  • Don’t underestimate local Facebook groups or online marketplaces like Craigslist. It’s always a good idea to request references and carefully vet potential cleaning companies found online.

1. Communication and Expectations are Key

Once you’ve got a shortlist of potential cleaners, it’s time for the interview stage. But this isn’t your typical job interview. This is a chance for a two-way conversation where you can set the stage for a successful partnership. Avoid immediately asking about their rates; focus on their experience and approach to cleaning short-term rentals.

Are they comfortable following a detailed checklist? Are they responsive and communicative? Do they understand the unique demands of cleaning an Airbnb? Pay attention to those subtle cues. Do they seem engaged and eager to understand your vision?

Use this opportunity to explain what makes cleaning for short-term rentals different than traditional residential cleaning. Remember that open and honest communication from the get-go is the cornerstone of any lasting business relationship.

2. Don’t Skip the Trial Period

This step is non-negotiable. Just like you’d test drive a car before buying it, you need to see your potential cleaner in action. Schedule a trial clean and walk through the property together, pointing out any nuances specific to your Airbnb.

Observe their process, their attention to detail, and their ability to follow your carefully crafted checklist. View this as a collaborative training opportunity where you’re setting the foundation for consistent, high-quality cleans in the future.

Airbnb Cleaners Play a Vital Role in Your Business

Finding the right person to take care of your Airbnb cleaning services can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Remember, it’s an investment worth making for the long-term success and profitability of your business. Once you’ve found that reliable partner who understands your vision, your guests will thank you—with sparkling reviews and those five-star ratings we all strive for as Airbnb hosts.

Want more information on all things Airbnb cleaning? We have podcast episodes just for you:
No Cleaners, No Problem? An STR Hosting Master Shares His Secrets (Episode 379)
Hosting Hotline: Short-Term Renal Bedding and Laundry Tips (Episode 348)

The Hosting Handbook

If you loved this post we invite you to check out our one-stop-shop solution for hosts everywhere —the Hosting Handbook! While you can download all the easy to consume, step-by-step tips we use in our own hosting business and create the ultimate “book” the Hosting Handbook is so much more than that! If you’ve consumed or content for years (or just met us!) this is the reference guide for all the amazing and tactical tips we have for running a profitable and, more importantly hospitable, short-term rental. How do we price for pets? How do we fold our towels? What sheets do we buy? How do I purchase a short-term rental? All these questions (and more!) can be answered in the Hosting Handbook! Check it out now!

TFV Trusted Airbnb Tool: Breezeway

We absolutely love using Breezeway in our Airbnb business—it’s been a game-changer for keeping everything running smoothly. We’re excited to share this fantastic tool with our audience and hope it helps you as much as it’s helped us! Click here to learn more.


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