Expert Airbnb Hosting Tips: Boost Bookings & 5-Star Reviews

Airbnb Hosts: Stop Doing This! 

As an Airbnb host, you know the ins and outs of creating a welcoming space. But in the vacation rental industry, there’s always something new to learn. To make your listing stand out and attract those five-star reviews, let’s dive into some Airbnb hosting tips you can use right away. These insights come from years of hosting experience, so trust me on this.

Table Of Contents:

Putting Your Guest First: Practical Airbnb Hosting Tips

Sometimes the smallest changes make the biggest difference. You already know to provide fresh linens and stock the bathroom with essentials, but have you ever walked through your property as a guest? This is crucial for a great guest experience.

The “Pretend You’re a Guest” Exercise

Imagine arriving at your Airbnb after a long day. Think about your guest’s journey from the moment they park. Is the entrance clear, well-lit, and easy to find? Can they operate the smart locks? Is the Wi-Fi password easy to spot?

Don’t forget the little things. Provide simple instructions for the coffee maker or TV. Guests appreciate these small touches. Next, consider how functional the space is. Are there enough outlets for charging devices? Do all the appliances work properly?

Even a minor inconvenience can impact a guest’s stay. This exercise can uncover unforeseen issues and highlight areas for improvement. This way, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable stay for your guests.

Hot Tip: Share a digital guidebook with your guests so they know exactly where everything is with a simple tap of their phone. We include important information about the property as well as recommendations and local resources. For more digital guidebook recommendations check out our Trusted Tools.

The Value of a Test Run: Insider Airbnb Hosting Tips

Before your first paying guest, invite a friend for a night’s stay. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just ask them to use the space like a regular guest. Have them sleep in the beds, try the shower, and use the Wi-Fi. We call this trusted individual your “trust-telling” friend. This should be someone who is willing to let you know if something is wrong.

This test run has two benefits:

  • Practical Testing
  • Honest Insights

Hot Tip: Do you have a property inspector on your team? This is a vital role that we utilize to do a once over of the property before each and every guest. This team member does a walk through and final touch on the property to ensure it is guest ready! Download our FREE Independent Contractor Agreement to use for this role.

Setting Boundaries, Adding Value: Airbnb Hosting Tips for the Modern Host

As hosts, we want to be accommodating. But there’s a balance between being flexible and letting guest requests disrupt your schedule. A prime example is handling early check-in and late check-out requests.

Turning Requests into Opportunities

Guests often ask to arrive earlier or leave later than your usual times. But saying yes to every request can impact your cleaning schedule and the experience of your next guest.

Instead of seeing this as a hassle, turn these situations into opportunities. Offer early check-in or late check-out for an extra fee, framing it as a “convenience fee” that covers the added coordination. This way, you’re still helpful while setting clear boundaries for smoother operations.

 Don’t Underestimate the Power of Reviews (On and Off Airbnb) 

Reviews are essential for your Airbnb business, but many hosts focus solely on Airbnb’s platform. While positive reviews on your Airbnb listing are important, you can broaden your online reputation.

Encourage guests to leave Google reviews, too. Airbnb reviews might get you booked on Airbnb, but Google reviews influence potential guests who are searching directly for accommodations in your area. This strategy boosts your visibility beyond the platform, attracting guests who might not find you otherwise.

Something consistently mentioned in our 5-star reviews is the “Forgot Something” Basket. We provide this in all of our properties as a special touch to make sure our guests are taken care of. Download the FREE copy right here!

Airbnb Hosting Tips

Becoming a successful Airbnb host is a journey of constant improvement. It’s about more than just providing lodging; it’s about crafting memorable experiences. Hopefully, these Airbnb hosting tips provide valuable insights into enhancing the guest experience, maximizing your earnings, and tackling challenges with fresh perspectives.

Remember to step into your guest’s shoes and implement strategic solutions. By doing so, you’ll be well on your way to creating a thriving Airbnb business that keeps guests coming back for more.

Airbnb Hosting Handbook

If you loved this post we invite you to check out our one-stop-shop solution for hosts everywhere —the Hosting Handbook! While you can download all the easy to consume, step-by-step tips we use in our own hosting business and create the ultimate “book” the Hosting Handbook is so much more than that! If you’ve consumed or content for years (or just met us!) this is the reference guide for all the amazing and tactical tips we have for running a profitable and, more importantly hospitable, short-term rental. How do we price for pets? How do we fold our towels? What sheets do we buy? How do I purchase a short-term rental? All these questions (and more!) can be answered in the Hosting Handbook! Check it out now!

TFV Trusted Airbnb Tool: Breezeway

We absolutely love using Breezeway in our Airbnb business—it’s been a game-changer for keeping everything running smoothly. We’re excited to share this fantastic tool with our audience and hope it helps you as much as it’s helped us! Click here to learn more.

Happy Hosting!


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