Avoid These 7 Airbnb Pricing Mistakes

Get More Bookings With These Airbnb Pricing Tips

As Airbnb hosts, we aim for high occupancy rates, excellent reviews, and maximized income. However, even experienced hosts can make Airbnb pricing mistakes, leading to empty calendars and lower profits. The short-term rental market is competitive, so let’s explore common mistakes and find solutions to create a pricing strategy for a busy calendar and a healthy bottom line.

Table Of Contents:

7 Avoidable Airbnb Pricing Mistakes Costing You Bookings (and Money!)

1. The “Set It and Forget It” Pricing Strategy 

Setting your prices and forgetting about them might seem convenient initially. However, not adjusting for seasonality, demand changes, and events can cost you potential earnings. Your listing is like a storefront – you wouldn’t keep prices the same year-round.

Embrace the dynamic nature of the market. Use dynamic pricing tools to adjust to real-time conditions. This strategy can boost earnings and stay competitive, especially during slower periods.

Tools like PriceLabs can help you to determine the best pricing for your market and time frame. Be sure to check out all of our Trusted Tools!

2. Blindly Trusting Airbnb’s Smart Pricing

While Airbnb’s Smart Pricing can be a helpful tool, relying on it entirely can lead to missed opportunities. You are in charge of your rental business. I started with Smart Pricing but noticed lower rates than similar listings.

Personally, I track market demand, which helps me make better pricing decisions. This is an important skill to develop to continue to grow your business and maximize your profit.

3. Panicking During Low Season and Slashing Prices

Low seasons are a natural part of the hospitality business. Resist the temptation to drastically cut prices out of fear. When you’re aware of your market’s cyclical patterns, you can anticipate fluctuations in bookings.

Instead of a race to the bottom, think about offering weekly or monthly discounts. You could also offer package deals with local attractions or create unique experiences like cooking classes at a premium price.

4. Neglecting Market Research

Pricing success relies on knowing your local market. Keep up-to-date on city events that directly affect demand and pricing. I keep a spreadsheet to track these events and holidays, enabling me to make timely price adjustments.

For example, I observed a considerable rise in bookings during a recent tech conference. Adjusting my prices accordingly helped me make the most of the increased demand.

5. Ignoring the Power of Dynamic Pricing Software

In 2024, using dynamic pricing tools is highly recommended. They require some initial effort to learn, but they pay off in the long run. These tools analyze numerous data points instantly, such as market demand, seasonality, and competitor prices – tasks that would take you hours to do manually.

By automating this process, you free up time and make data-driven pricing decisions to optimize your revenue.

For more on dynamic pricing, check out our podcast episode: Why Dynamic Pricing Should Be Your #1 Priority as an Airbnb Host (Episode 359). We sat down with our Chief Operations Officer to discuss all things dynamic pricing, you don’t want to miss it!

6. Treating Your Airbnb Like a Hotel: Neglecting Length of Stay

While back-to-back one-night bookings might seem attractive, they increase cleaning and turnover costs. On the other hand, limiting yourself to long stays only could reduce your potential guest pool.

Consider offering flexible check-in and check-out options when possible. Experimenting with minimum night stays helps you cater to different travel styles and boost occupancy rates.

Having pets at home can often impact how long a guest considers staying. Is your Airbnb pet friendly? Consider going pet friendly in an effort to serve more guests, extend stays, and grow your profit. Get our FREE pet friendly checklist right here. And, check out everything you need to welcome pets in our Amazon store.

7. Overlooking Occupancy Rate and Revenue Management

Achieving 100% occupancy is a common goal. But, being fully booked might indicate your prices are low. Allow for some flexibility in your occupancy rates, which can surprisingly result in greater earnings.

This flexibility lets you capture high-demand periods with higher prices, maximizing your revenue potential.

Maximize Airbnb Profit

Setting your pricing is a significant advantage of being an Airbnb host. However, it requires adapting strategies to market changes and guest expectations.

By understanding and avoiding common Airbnb pricing mistakes and adopting the right solutions, you can move toward a successful and lucrative Airbnb business.

TFV Trusted Airbnb Tool: Breezeway

We absolutely love using Breezeway in our Airbnb business—it’s been a game-changer for keeping everything running smoothly. Keeping your business efficient and running smoothly will help support growth and profit. We’re excited to share this fantastic tool with our audience and hope it helps you as much as it’s helped us! Click here to learn more.

The Hosting Handbook

If you loved this post we invite you to check out our one-stop-shop solution for hosts everywhere —the Hosting Handbook! While you can download all the easy to consume, step-by-step tips we use in our own hosting business and create the ultimate “book” the Hosting Handbook is so much more than that! If you’ve consumed or content for years (or just met us!) this is the reference guide for all the amazing and tactical tips we have for running a profitable and, more importantly hospitable, short-term rental. How do we price for pets? How do we fold our towels? What sheets do we buy? How do I purchase a short-term rental? All these questions (and more!) can be answered in the Hosting Handbook! Check it out now!


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