7 Mistakes Killing Your Airbnb Bookings (& How To Fix Them)

As an experienced Airbnb host, and someone who’s helped countless others with short-term rentals, I’ve seen it all. From beautiful properties to ones that leave guests confused, I’ve gathered insights into common Airbnb host mistakes. Even seasoned hosts can make these mistakes. But don’t worry, because you’re about to learn about those common pitfalls and how to avoid them. This will improve your guest experience, boost your bookings, and maximize your rental income. Let’s dive into the seven Airbnb host mistakes that you must avoid.

Table Of Contents:

Avoiding Airbnb Host Mistakes

There are a variety of common Airbnb hosting mistakes we see in the industry. Often, there are some simple fixes to help elevate your property and guest experience.

Hot Tip: Use our FREE Airbnb Essentials Guide to get a jumpstart on everything you need for your Airbnb.

Too Many Throw Pillows

I know pillows add comfort and style, and look fantastic in professional photos. However, they can be a nuisance for guests and your cleaning crew. Think about it – when was the last time you checked into a hotel room and wanted more decorative pillows? Remember practicality and ease of use are most important.

Not Enough Supplies

Another critical mistake is not providing enough essential supplies. It’s not just about having enough beds; it’s also about making sure guests have adequate seating, dinnerware, glassware, and basic amenities. Imagine a group of 12 arriving at your property, only to find seating for four. Always have ample supplies for the maximum number of guests you intend to host.

Remember, it’s about creating a seamless and comfortable experience that caters to all. A good rule of thumb is to have enough plates, silverware, and glassware for each guest to have two sets. You should also stock basic toiletries like toilet paper and hand soap.

Check out our Amazon store for our curated list of everything you need for each space in your Airbnb property! 

Insufficient Hooks and Storage

Hooks seem insignificant, but they make a world of difference. Guests need a place to hang towels, clothes, and bags, especially for shorter stays when they don’t want to unpack fully. Ensure you provide ample hooks in the bathrooms, bedrooms, and entryways.

This simple step provides convenience and makes your guests feel at home. Consider providing storage bins, shelves, or drawers. Having a designated space for luggage prevents it from becoming an obstacle.

Overdoing The Décor

You’ve worked hard creating a warm, inviting, and stylish atmosphere. You’ve carefully chosen every detail. However, there’s a fine line between tasteful and overwhelming when it comes to Airbnb decor. Resist filling every nook and cranny with tchotchkes, and aim for a balance of visual appeal and functionality.

Opt for statement pieces over clutter, ensuring that surfaces are free from unnecessary objects. Don’t forget that less is often more. Choose quality over quantity, focusing on a few impactful pieces that create a welcoming ambiance.

Boring Designs

Your property needs to captivate potential guests among other listings. Remember that in today’s visually driven world, first impressions matter. Striking visuals are important for getting bookings. While you want your décor to appeal to a broad audience, inject personality into your space.

Use unique artwork, accent walls, or statement furniture pieces. Don’t shy away from incorporating local elements or highlighting unique features of your property. Consider creating a designated selfie spot – a beautifully decorated corner or an Instagram-worthy backdrop will entice guests to capture and share their experience, leading to organic promotion for your property.

Cutting Corners on Essentials

You may be tempted to cut costs by skimping on certain items to maximize your profits. But, one thing you should never compromise on is guest comfort, especially regarding bedding, towels, and essential amenities. A good night’s sleep can significantly impact a guest’s overall experience, influencing their satisfaction and the likelihood of leaving a positive review.

Consider these costs as investments. If a comfy mattress means the difference between a so-so review and a glowing one that rakes in bookings—it’s worth every penny. Investing in high-quality, comfortable mattresses, soft linens, and plush towels creates a sense of luxury.

Ignoring the Needs of Your Guest

Designing your Airbnb should be a guest-centric endeavor. It’s not about replicating your dream home; it’s about anticipating the needs and desires of your target guests. Conduct thorough market research, analyze your competitors, and identify any missing amenities or features that would appeal to your ideal clientele.

For example, families with young children might appreciate childproofing measures, high chairs, or a selection of toys. Business travelers often seek properties equipped with strong Wi-Fi, comfortable workspaces, and blackout curtains. Consider incorporating thoughtful touches that demonstrate a genuine understanding of your guests.

Remember, hospitality is all about going the extra mile to create a personalized experience. So, pay attention to detail, be proactive, and anticipate your guests’ every need, making their stay as memorable as possible.

There are so many ways you can go the extra mile for your guest. One amenity we often see mentioned in our 5 star reviews is the Forgot Something basket. This basket is a simple touch that goes a long way. Get the FREE guide right here.

Elevate Your Airbnb Business: Avoid These Mistakes!

There you have it: 7 Airbnb host mistakes that can cost you bookings and hinder your path to becoming a sought-after host. These tips help create a remarkable guest experience from booking to checkout. By being mindful of these pitfalls you are taking proactive steps in creating a comfortable, memorable, and ultimately lucrative, Airbnb venture.

For more resources on enhancing guest experience, check out our recent podcast episode: “Secrets To Experiential Hospitality w/ Isaac French” (Episode 385). We sat down with Isaac French to discuss all things hospitality and guest experience.

Calling All Airbnb Hosts: The Hosting Handbook

If you loved this post we invite you to check out our one-stop-shop solution for hosts everywhere —the Hosting Handbook! While you can download all the easy to consume, step-by-step tips we use in our own hosting business and create the ultimate “book” the Hosting Handbook is so much more than that! If you’ve consumed or content for years (or just met us!) this is the reference guide for all the amazing and tactical tips we have for running a profitable and, more importantly hospitable, short-term rental. How do we price for pets? How do we fold our towels? What sheets do we buy? How do I purchase a short-term rental? All these questions (and more!) can be answered in the Hosting Handbook! Check it out now!


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