Sarah Karakaian Shares Best Practices for Operations & Owners
Welcome back to Success Unlocked, where our hosting business master membership coaches discuss operations, social media, unique builds, co-hosting strategies, and so much more. This week’s episode is Co-Hosting Confidential, hosted by Amy Corbett.
In this episode, Amy turns the tables on our very own Sarah Karakaian to talk about her co-hosting business, Stay Awhile Hosting Co. – how she scaled up, why she decided to scale back down, and how she operates her various properties, physical and digital, in ways that speak directly to her mission and core values.
We get a detailed look behind the scenes at Stay Awhile Hosting Co., how many people are on her team and what their roles are, how she interacts with those roles, and a hyperspeed masterclass on fine-tuned operations – from stocking supplies to her favorite apps and online tools.
(00:02:38) How Sarah Got Started With Co-Hosting
(00:08:08) Splitting Time Between Hosting & Content Creation
(00:14:14) Behind the Curtain at Stay Awhile Hosting Co.
(00:25:49) Tips for Tightening Up Your Systems
(00:28:49) Partnering With Like-Minded Owners
(00:35:17) Sarah’s Biggest Challenges & Best Advice
Download a transcript of this episode.
- Visit thanksforvisiting.com/workshop to watch our Hosting Business Mastery Method workshop!
- Airbnb Essentials Checklist: hostchecklist.com
- Stay Awhile Hosting Co.: stayawhilehostingco.com
- Linkedin: Sarah Karakaian
- Website: allbelong.co
- Instagram: @allbelong.co
- Tik Tok: @allbelongco
- Facebook: allbelong.co
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