How to Encourage Safe Grilling at Your Vacation Rental Property
Welcome back to the Hosting Hotline! This is an Ask Me Anything where each week we’ll answer your questions on Airbnb, STRs, real estate, and everything in between.
Samantha called into our Hosting Hotline and asked, “What’s your take on grills at a short-term rental? I always wanted to stay away because I’m terrified someone will burn down our brand-new beach houses. But we recently had an upcoming guest ask if we had a grill, and they were pretty bummed out that we didn’t offer that. Then, they asked us if we could provide one for them. Are we missing out on potential clients? Is it worth it? We would love your insight on this.”
Should I Include Grills at My Airbnb? Key Takeaways
We love that Samantha is concerned about safety at her short-term rental. That being said, there are great ways for Samantha to offer this highly desirable amenity to her beach house and rest assured that she’s taking all safety precautions necessary.
- Including a grill at your Airbnb rental can enhance guest satisfaction and attract more bookings, especially during the prime vacation season.
- If you’re going to include a grill at your rental property, opt for safer grill options such as electric or Blackstone griddles to reduce risks.
- Include clear instructions at your grill so a guest can be confident using the grill correctly.
- Make sure the appropriate fire extinguisher model is mounted out of the way of the grill, but accessible so a guest could use it should anything happen.
- Implement strict safety protocols and use a checklist to maintain these standards between guest stays.
- Prioritize both guest experience and safety by providing well-maintained and easy-to-use grilling equipment.
Including Grills at Your Vacation Rental: Episode Timestamps
(00:01:48) Intro to Grilling at Vacation Homes (Yes, You Need One)
(00:03:10) BTS of Sarah’s Gulf Shores HGTV Experience
(00:05:04) Recommendations for an Airbnb Grill Amenity
(00:06:02) Safety First! How to Encourage Safe Grilling
Thanks to everyone who submitted questions. To hear your voice on the show and send a question to Sarah and Annette, submit your burning hosting questions at: hostinghotline.com.
Download a transcript of this episode.
- Check out Breezeway
- HGTV: Sarah and Nick on Beach Flip
- Video: How To Create An Airbnb Audit – Inspector Checklist
- Airbnb Essentials Checklist: hostchecklist.com
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