Leveraging Etsy & Local Artists for Creative Decor in Your STR
Welcome back to the Hosting Hotline! This is an Ask Me Anything where each week we’ll answer your questions on Airbnb, STRs, real estate, and everything in between.
Daisy asks:
I’m looking to refresh my property and I want to stay on a budget. I also want to add some personality and interest to my rental. I’m thinking of an accent wall, maybe a mural or wallpaper. How do I add some unique decor, with some personality, that can feel special to my place rather than what you see everywhere?
(00:01:29) Daisy Asks for Help Bringing Some Personality to Her Rental
(00:02:22) Look for Uniquely Crafted Items on Etsy
(00:02:50) Strategizing Your STR’s Visual Update
(00:04:56) Good Examples of Unique Decor in Short-Term RentalsThanks to everyone who submitted questions. To hear your voice on the show and send a question to Sarah and Annette, submit your burning hosting questions at: hostinghotline.com.
Download a transcript of this episode.
- Visit thanksforvisiting.com/workshop to watch our Hosting Business Mastery Method workshop!
- Airbnb Essentials Checklist: hostchecklist.com
- Hospitality Tips from an Airbnb Legend- with Chip Conley #100
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