Listen to These Podcasts Before You Start Planning Your First International Rental
Welcome back to the Hosting Hotline! This is an Ask Me Anything where each week we’ll answer your questions on Airbnb, STRs, real estate, and everything in between.
Zach Morris (not that one) asks:
My wife, Jocelyn, and I bought a villa on the Costa Brava in Spain. We have a dream of turning it into a short-term rental, but there are a lot of new issues that come with being an international host, no doubt. I’m hoping you’ll consider addressing this topic in a future episode with some sort of expert that knows a lot more than us.
(01:33) A Question From Zach in Philadelphia About Hosting in Spain
- Casa Degotis, a Mediterranean villa overlooking the sea
(02:58) 3 Past Episodes Featuring International Hosting Experts
- Operating an Overseas Vacation Rental Business with Lisa Byrne #143
- Check out vacationperfect.com
- Making Vacation Rentals The Most Respected Travel Vertical #231
- Follow Simon Lehmann on Linkedin
- Investing Abroad: A Guide to International Short-Term Rental Properties #245
(07:38) Planning for the Future
- Building a team culture to support you
Thanks to everyone who submitted questions. To hear your voice on the show and send a question to Sarah and Annette, submit your burning hosting questions at: hostinghotline.com.
Download a transcript of this episode.
- Visit thanksforvisiting.com/workshop to watch our Hosting Business Mastery Method workshop!
- Airbnb Essentials Checklist: hostchecklist.com
- Instagram: @casadegotis
- Website: casadegotis.com
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