No Bathroom? No Problem! Getting Scrappy With a Brand New Listing
Welcome back to the Hosting Hotline! This is an Ask Me Anything where each week we’ll answer your questions on Airbnb, STRs, real estate, and everything in between.
Zach asks:
Do you have any advice on what I should do to get started? I just bought this house and my original plan was to Airbnb the casita in the backyard, but there’s no bathroom. It’s going to cost over $40,000 to have one put in. I was wondering if you had any ideas on how to remedy the no-bathroom situation or on how to start up an Airbnb business with no money somewhere else.
Thanks to everyone who submitted questions. To hear your voice on the show and send a question to Sarah and Annette, visit Speakpipe.com/ThanksforvisitingAMA
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