How to End a Property/Manager Relationship That’s Out of Alignment
Last week we talked about how to find a property manager that’s a good fit for you. But what if you’re on the management side, you take a job and, down the line, you realize the property doesn’t align well with your brand? Whether you’re co-hosting, you’re looking to bring a property into your portfolio, or you’re stop-and-go on getting started, we’re going to help you listen to that inner voice – and guide you with what to do when you’ve ignored it.
- Visit thanksforvisiting.me/workshop to watch our Hosting Business Mastery Method workshop!

It’s time for #strsharesunday and today we are sharing Wild Pines Cabin!
This is a renovated 1974 A-frame in Minnesota situated on 40 private acres. Yes. 4-0. This is a four season location and their feed makes you want to experience every single season here.
Their feed really gives you the vibe and what they want you to expect prior to arrival, and they do an amazing job about letting their guests know what to be mindful of before booking. They let their guests know that one of their bedrooms is in an open area without a door, that the steep staircase isn’t necessarily great for kids or those with limited mobility, how you need a truck or SUV to access the property, etc.
Letting us know about these things made us want to book here MORE. We love transparency and authenticity!
Todd and Tessa, you’re crushing it!
We would love to feature YOU, so don’t forget to use #STRShareSunday to get your chance!
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