Top 5 Episodes of 2020
As 2020 heads to a close, we want to round up our top 5 most listened to episodes of the year and explain why we think they’re getting so much attention. If you’ve never heard them before, or even if you’ve heard them once, this is a great time to listen to them and let them sink in.
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It’s time for #STRsharesunday! Today we are featuring the Lake View Haven !
This rental is hosted by our friend and student, Becky! We’ve stayed at Becky’s properties before… but not this one! (let’s add it to the list, shall we?)
We LOVE how clear she is in her description in her instagram, and what’s super cool about her is that she’s SUPER into DIY (and very talented!), and she shares a lot of how she’s decorated her rentals on her instagram account. Her decor is so on point and she’s a GREAT designer, and she’s not afraid to showcase it on her socials!
Give her a like and a follow on instagram and show her some love!
We would love to feature YOU, so don’t forget to use #STRShareSunday to get your chance!
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