Tactical Things You Can Do Tomorrow To Raise Revenue- with Sharon Keefe
Whatever your mission is in this journey of short-term rentals, revenue is going to be a common driving factor. One of the common shortcomings when it comes to vacation rentals is not properly compensating yourself for all the services you provide. You may be trying to pass on as much of the savings to your customer as possible, but if you aren’t taking care of yourself, you’re going to risk burnout. Sharon Keefe joins us today to talk about simple, actionable things you can do to raise the revenue of your rental properties so that you can grow effectively.
Sharon has spent the last 17 years in the hospitality space and her passion for the last 14 years has been in the vacation and short-term rental industry. She coaches and teaches how to run the business more efficiently, increase positive guest reviews and make more money.
- VRM Advocate: https://www.vrmadvocate.com/
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-keefe-what-you-measure-and-monitor-will-improve-37600a9/
- #STRShareSunday: @bungalow211
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