What’s The Best STR Mattress? (Episode 396)

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[00:00:05] Sarah: Hello. Welcome back for another great episode. My name is Sarah Karakaian.

[00:00:09] Annette: I am Annette Grant. And together we are–

[00:00:11] Both Annette & Sarah: Thanks for Visiting.

[00:00:12] Sarah: And this is the–

[00:00:13] Both Annette & Sarah: Hosting Hotline.

[00:00:14] Sarah: The Hosting Hotline is where you, the host, can go to hostinghotline.com, ask your question, and get it answered here on the podcast, help yourself, but then also help the thousands of other hosts that tune in each and every week know what you are facing so that they don’t have to face the same challenge.

[00:00:33] Annette: And help me live out my dream. I’m going to throw it back here. Did anybody used to listen to call in radio shows with Delilah? And people would call in with their love story and the challenge they were facing.

[00:00:49] Sarah: Your questions do have to be related to business. I am no help with your love life.

[00:00:52] Annette: But maybe the Hosting Hotline can start including guests’–

[00:00:56] Sarah: Nervous.

[00:00:58] Annette: No guests’ challenges, a specific–

[00:01:00] Sarah: It can be anything.

[00:01:03] Annette: How do I improve my relationship with guests or my neighbor?

[00:01:08] Sarah: Oh my gosh. She’s lost her mind.

[00:01:09] Annette: Delilah. It is. Let’s get to this question from Diana.

[00:01:13] Question: Hi. I am trying to furnish my first Airbnb, and I’m in the throes of figuring out which mattress, and you mentioned a hybrid, and I can’t find any links to one that you recommend or the mention of one you recommend. So that is my question. Thanks.

[00:01:32] Sarah: I picture right now Diana is in her short-term rental. It is 4:00 AM, and she is at her wits end on Amazon trying to purchase the last few things. I’ve been there, Diana.

[00:01:45] Annette: And Diana, we want to say thank you. You are an action taker. If you need a link and something’s not there that we’ve talked about, reach out to us. We are here to serve you. So Diana, I love that you are taking action. You’re calling in, and you want that link.

[00:02:00] Sarah: Yeah. First of all, we do have some solutions for you. Let me just answer your question. The hybrid mattress that we use is the Helix Hospitality mattress. Fortunately, unfortunately, it’s only available through HostGPO. There is a small membership fee to join HostGPO, but everyone listening, it is well worth the investment because it is better than trade discounts that we get there, and we have products that you cannot even get anywhere else.

[00:02:35] You have to belong to a group purchasing organization. And this is the only international group purchasing organization for hosts. This is not sponsored by HostGPO or anything like that, but we truly believe in their platform and the products they bring us hosts, and the price of this mattress will blow your mind.

[00:02:55] And it is incredible, comfortable, hybrid, attractive, even though you’re going to wrap it with a mattress protector and all your beautiful bedding. But anyway, that is the mattress we use. But Diana, I also wanted to give you another option just in case you didn’t want to join host GPO, although I know that you should, and it’s the Lucid mattress on Amazon.

[00:03:17] We used this before HostGPO existed, and we’ve had guests ask us just recently, actually, for a link to this mattress because they loved it so much. They’re like, no, give me the exact link that you use. And I was like, okay. So that’s another mattress that you can buy off of Amazon that gets rave reviews from our guests.

[00:03:42] Annette: But Diana, don’t stop there. We’re going to give you a little bonus hotline. The linens are just as important as the mattress itself too. So we also recommend Standard Textile because they have hospitality grade. And here’s the deal, is that if you go to any really high-end hotel brand, if you look at their sheets, if you look at their towels, you’re going to see that those are Standard Textile.

[00:04:09] You can also get these through HostGPO and what we love about them because, like you said, you’re in the throes of prepping your first Airbnb, they will come laundered and ready, and it will save you so much time. But speaking of saving time, we have one more thing that we would just not be serving you if we did not mention that this is why Sarah and I created the Hosting Handbook.

[00:04:33] We literally go item by item. We go room by room. We go frequently asked question from every guest. We go how to price your property, how to take photos of your property. Heck, if you don’t even have the property, how to find the property. So many things that we just– we are spoon feeding you via these videos, and they are so informative.

[00:05:00] You can binge watch them while you are prepping your short-term rental, but we will also put a link to purchase our Hosting Handbook in the show notes for any and all of you. You should be very interested in it. Even if you’ve been hosting for a while, it’s still great to have. It’s something that you can always refer back to. It’s not just something that gets you started. It’s there to be a companion throughout your hosting.

[00:05:23] Sarah: Then one last thing we’ll share with you, and this is 1,000% free, is our Airbnb Essentials Checklist, because we do link to the different products that we use. And we try to use links to products that we exactly use, or also products that are always available on platforms like Amazon and things of that nature so that you don’t have any other purchasing friction there.

[00:05:45] So we’ll put the checklist that is free for you in the show notes, Hosting Handbook in the show notes, and then the link to the Lucid mattress and the HostGPO so that you can check out that opportunity as well. The cool thing too with HostGPO is also you can replenish your short-term rental with items that are only available to hosts who belong to HostGPO, and they are really awesome high quality at great prices. We can’t share the prices because you have to be a member to know them, but it is well worth checking it out.

[00:06:13] Annette: Members only [Inaudible]. And if you want your hosting question answered, call Annette and Sarah. hostinghotline.com. We are waiting for the phone to ring. We’re standing by.

[00:06:28] Sarah: Oh my gosh. With that, I am Sarah Karakaian.

[00:06:31] Annette: I am Annette Grant. And together we are–

[00:06:33] Both Annette & Sarah: Thanks for Visiting.

[00:06:34] Sarah: Talk to you next time.